The Strong Churches Playbook Part B

And, once more, a small disclaimer. These outlines came about because discussions on these topics often get a little heated, a little frustrating, and frequently end with “Well, how would YOU fix it?” I have no official position of any kind. No authority. And no “credentials.” But this is my answer to that question. Tainted, of course, with my own personal biases about the way I would like to see things go.

Strengthening Regional Classes

A Playbook for Covenant Community & Church Growth

The Role of Classis in Church Stewardship

The Classis is not just a bureaucratic necessity; it is a covenantal body that helps local churches grow, support one another, and plant new congregations. A strong Classis ensures that no church is isolated and that pastors and elders are equipped to serve faithfully and steward the Reformed tradition well.

Goals of a Strengthened Classis:

  • Encourage robust delegation & participation—every church must take its role seriously.
  • Foster deeper relationships among churches, even in large geographical areas.
  • Make Classis a resource hub for theological education, missions, and church planting.
  • Help struggling churches stabilize while equipping strong churches to plant new ones.
  • Develop future pastors, elders, and leaders through local mentorship and training.

Strengthening Delegation & Participation

Too often, delegation to Classis is seen as a formality. Churches send delegates who are unprepared or indifferent, and sometimes they fail to send anyone at all. This weakens the Classis and leaves important decisions in the hands of too few people.

1. Reinforce the Importance of Classis in Church Leadership

  • Pastors and elders should teach on the role of Classis, ensuring that congregations see it as vital to church life.
  • Create a clear job description for delegates, emphasizing the responsibility to engage thoughtfully, prayerfully, and regularly.
  • Consider publicly commissioning delegates before they attend Classis meetings, emphasizing their role as stewards of the church’s voice.

2. Improve Communication Between Classis & Local Churches

  • Provide regular updates from Classis to congregations, so members see the broader work of the church.
  • Establish regional email newsletters or short video updates summarizing key Classis discussions and decisions.

Strengthening Classis as a Hub for Covenant Community

Strong churches need strong relationships. If pastors and elders are disconnected from one another, the broader church weakens. This is especially difficult in geographically large Classes, but there are ways to cultivate real connections despite the distance.

1. Reclaim the Old Tradition of Regional Gatherings

  • Historically, Classes functioned as spiritual and theological hubs, not just administrative bodies.
  • Encourage regional pastor-elder fellowship meetings for prayer, encouragement, and theological discussion.
  • Even if the full Classis only meets twice a year, sub-regional gatherings can meet more frequently.

2. Monthly or Quarterly Virtual Gatherings

  • Large geographical distances make in-person meetings difficult, but video calls for pastors and elders can strengthen relationships between meetings.
  • Use these meetings for theological discussions, case studies, and prayer, rather than just logistics.

3. Shared Resources for Spiritual Growth

  • A strong Classis can provide catechetical training materials, discipleship guides, and pastoral care resources that help local churches.
  • Consider a Classis-wide mentorship program, pairing experienced pastors and elders with younger leaders.

Making Classis a Resource Hub for Struggling Churches

Some churches within a Classis will struggle due to declining membership, financial hardships, or lack of leadership. Rather than waiting for these churches to close, the Classis should proactively strengthen and support them.

1. Pulpit-Sharing & Circuit Preaching

  • Some small churches cannot support a full-time pastor—but a strengthened Classis can help.
  • Encourage regional pulpit-sharing, allowing multiple churches to pool resources and support one pastor across multiple congregations.
  • Develop a supply preaching network to help vacant pulpits maintain consistent, biblical preaching.

2. Provide Guidance for Revitalization

  • Create a Classis-wide church revitalization team to assess struggling churches and provide practical steps for rebuilding membership, restoring financial health, and strengthening discipleship.
  • Encourage struggling churches to partner with a stronger church in the region for mentorship and shared events.

Strengthening Classis as a Church-Planting Engine

Strong Classes do not just sustain existing churches—they actively plant new ones. If a Classis does not have a clear church-planting vision, it is not stewarding its resources well.

1. Identify Strategic Areas for Church Planting

  • Classes should assess demographic and geographic needs, identifying areas where a new Reformed church is needed.
  • Encourage strong churches to consider planting daughter congregations rather than just expanding their own facilities.

2. Develop Church-Planting Playbooks

  • Provide training and funding to churches interested in planting.
  • Offer mentorship from experienced pastors to help new church plants avoid common pitfalls.
  • Establish support networks for church planters and their families.

3. Connect with Other Conservative Reformed Networks

  • Partnering with organizations like the URCNA, Heidelberg Reformation Association, and independent Reformed church-planting networks can provide additional resources.
  • Consider regional partnerships where a CRC and URC plant a church together in an underserved area.

Leadership Development at the Classis Level

A major crisis facing the CRC is the shortage of trained pastors and elders, with many churches struggling to find solid leadership. While national solutions (like a new seminary) belong in Part C, regional Classes should actively develop leaders at the local level.

1. Establish a Classis-Wide Internship Program

  • Partner with seminaries and strong local churches to provide internships for seminarians and young people discerning a call to ministry.
  • Offer financial assistance for interns when possible.

2. Equip Elders & Deacons for Greater Leadership

  • Develop a Classis-wide elder and deacon training program to strengthen lay leadership.
  • Provide resources on pastoral care, theological instruction, and financial stewardship to help them lead more effectively.

3. Encourage Local Mentorship for Aspiring Pastors

  • Experienced pastors should actively mentor younger people considering the ministry.
  • Encourage regular meetings between experienced and newer elders/pastors to share wisdom and experience.

Stewarding Classis Resources Wisely

  • Use funds strategically: Allocate Classis funds toward church revitalization, seminary training, and church planting rather than bureaucratic overhead.
  • Encourage lay leadership training: Equip elders and deacons to handle pastoral care, financial stewardship, and theological instruction.

A Vision for Strong, Church-Planting Classes

A weak Classis is a burden to its churches, but a strong Classis is a powerful hub for covenant faithfulness, mutual encouragement, and church growth. By strengthening delegation, community, struggling churches, church planting efforts, and leadership development, Classes can play a key role in revitalizing the CRC and ensuring its long-term faithfulness.


For a more essay-style discussion of some of my thoughts on these topics, and others, you can find my Substack, Letters from the Country Mouse.

Continue to Strong Churches Part C – National Strategy

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