My Favorite Homestead Podcasts
I spent my Mother’s Day weekend with – my mother. My older daughter and I went for a visit. Mom and I got to chat, I helped her out with a few things, and got to admire her garden. But it did mean hours in the car each day.
I do like to while away long dries with podcasts. And while I have a fairly extensive list of favorites that range from the creepy to the intellectual, to the practical – today I’m going to share my favorite homestead podcasts. Or at least those that might inspire, educate, or get you in the mood to tackle some farmstead lifestyle projects. Here we go:

First up is “Old Fashioned On Purpose.” Jill Winger of The Prairie Homestead is the hostess for this classic choice. Jill is an experienced podcaster, as well as one of the most popular bloggers on homesteading topics and a sought-after speaker. Her podcast ranges across various topics from scratch-cooking to entrepreneurship. The back catalog is extensive, which means you’ll have plenty to listen to while you work on YOUR projects.

Amy Dingmann of A Farmish Kind of Life offers an intimate – and often very wise – look at her own homestead along with her thoughts on the lifestyle. Equal parts best friend, big sister, and quirky new acquaintance, Amy gently encourages, admonishes, and inspired listeners to do their own thing – better than they did it yesterday.

Brian Wells of The Homestead Journey shares his own process of building and improving a small homestead. And, in between sharing about his own experiences, he has guests who share their own journeys. Brian is a committed part of the homestead community, always will to mentor those new to the lifestyle. His podcast is well worth your time, and I’m not just saying that because I’ve been his guest!

OK, so the HOA has done a bit of a pod fade on this one. But the few episodes that ARE available are worth a listen. Especially the food freedom interview with Joel Salatin and John Moody. And I have hope that they’ll restart it soon. Maybe if we all encourage them a bit…

Michelle Visser is an author, blogger, podcaster, and advocate for real food. She offers guidance on a lot of topics, but especially maple sugaring and kombucha. And she knows what anybody who’s been living the “simple life” has discovered – it’s not always easy!

Nicole Sauce is the spicy and prolific force behind “Living Free in Tennesee.” She shares homesteading tips, advice on “getting stuff done,” and business advice. Her guests help educate on topics like agorism, bitcoin, and Freedom Cells. Nicole’s focus is more on living the lifestyle YOU want, which is the real motivation for homesteading, right?

Lisa Bass of Farmhouse on Boone shares all sorts of advice and instruction for slow living. I cherry-pick episodes, because my kids are older and some of it just isn’t applicable. But there is lots of good stuff to be had here, and Lisa is well worth the listen.

Paige of Farmhouse Vernacular shares the things she’s learned renovating a genuine Farm House. Interspersed are episodes on sewing, cooking, and other home keeping topics. It’s full of inspiration and down to Earth advice.

And, of course, I’m going to point you at my own podcast. You might find it useful! Give it a listen and let me know what you think!
Remember, you don’t have to listen to every episode of a podcast to enjoy it, especially given the broad range of topics covered by most homestead podcasts. Cherry-pick those topics that appeal to you. But, by all means, explore all that the podcast world has to offer.